There's No Place Like Home!
No Place Like Home

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Legacy of Oz

More Than A Movie

My Oz Collection

Oz on DVD

Ruby Slippers

Cast of Oz

Garland in Pictures

Secrets of Oz

PhotOz 1

PhotOz 2

Artwork of Oz

Guest Book

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Somewhere... over the rainbow, lies a website where you can find the best information, news and pictures from the greatest film of all time... The Wizard of Oz. This is a special fansite that will provide you with all the Oz you'll need... okay, so you can't get enough, but it's a start! There's information on the book series and famous 1939 film. There's a collection of the latest Oz news and events; tons of pictures from the most memorable scenes of the film and even pieces from my personal collection. So, let me welcome you most regally, to The Wonderful World of Oz Website!

Welcome, to Oz! Chances are, you didn't get here by 'a boat or a train'. Click a page link to your left and start your journey through the World of Oz!


November 23, 2006> Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving Day.

Missed 'Oz' on TBS? Don't worry, TNT will be airing the film 3 times next month. Visit the news page for dates and times.

August 23, 2006 After months away from my site, I'm back with tons of updates for the World of Oz. Keep watching as the updates are posted.

April 5, 2006 > Ruby Slippers page has been updated. Order your custom sized pair TODAY!

Oct. 25th, 2005 > Now you can own the music, magic and wonder that is 'Oz'. The Wizard of Oz: 2 Disc Special Edition and 3 Disc Collector's Editons are now available. Be sure to check out today!

Oct. 8, 2005 > Click the following link to download 'The World of Oz' promo/montage. the song in the background is 'More to Life' by Stacie Oricco.

October 7, 2005 > New photo on 'DVD' page, plus, the wizards at have been working on a new offical site for Oz. Be sure to visit for a glimpse at the new site coming soon!

Sep. 25, 2005 > Just Judy and Garland in Pictures pages now up. Hope you enjoy. More to be added soon!

Aug. 2005 > Someone has stolen a real pair of Ruby Slippers! Visit the News-Events page for more details and an exclusive news clip and a link to the "Stolen Slippers" Website!!

Aug. 2005 > The World of Oz website has been re-done, re-colored and re imagined. There are new pages instore, and updated versions of your favorites. Everything has been re-done! So go ahead, leave Kansas behind and click on a page link to visit.

New Page: Oz on DVD > In honor of the upcoming 2 disc and 3 disc DVD sets of The Wizard of Oz, a new page has been added. There, you'll find a history of Oz on dvd, new cover art, release dates and a list of what to expect from the special re-release!

Hand Sequined Slippers for Sale! > I'm selling a major portion of my Oz collection, including HANDMADE Red Slippers in your size! For more info, visit the More Than A Movie page and the Ruby Slippers page.




This site wouldn't be here today, had it not been for a good friend of mine, Zach Allen. He is an avid Oz fan, with great knowledge of the history of Oz. He also attends the Wizard of Oz Festival, in Chesterton, Indiana. You'll most likely find him dressed as the Scarecrow, his favorite character. I was inspired to create this site after meeting him in a movie chat room back in 2001. I was invited to visit his Oz site, and was amzazed... and to be honest, jealous. I wanted an Oz site too! So on November 15 2003, I finally launched the Wonderful World of Oz Website. It's been a long time coming, but I never forget how it all started and it may have never happened if it hadn't been for Zach. So, once again, thank you Zach for your inspiration. This site is dedicated to you and of course, the young at heart!






The Webring of Oz





This website is not in anyway, associated with Turner Entertainment Co., Warner Bros. Entertainment, or their related compaines. 56855 visitors have experienced "The World of Oz" since the original site launch on Noverember 15, 2003!